Monday, December 11, 2017


Blogging is fun. I love telling stories, writing book reviews, sharing tips for raising readers. But when content doesn't come as easily as it used to, and months go by between posts, I feel like I've let myself and my readers down.

I'm going to park this blog for a bit. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe I'll start fresh somewhere else (update: find me here!). Since books are still (and will always be) a huge part of my life, I'll still be heavily active on social media -- you can find me at the links below.

  • SHOP Usborne Books & More -- My online store will remain open, so you can still shop anytime if you need gifts or homework helpers. New titles are released every couple of months! If you want advice for finding the books you need, you can message me on Facebook or email me at thelionisabookworm at gmail dot com. 

  • FACEBOOK -- I'll continue to post fun book-ish things on my blog's Facebook page every week, including quizzes, memes, Usborne specials, and more. 

  • INSTAGRAM -- Some things book-related, some things family-related. 

  • GOODREADS -- While I won't be doing monthly reading recaps here on the blog (see the archives here), I do still keep track of all the books I read.

PLEASE come connect with me in these other places! Thanks for following along with my journey. :)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 22

Hattie & Hudson by Chris Van Dusen
May 2017. 40 pages.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 21

The Catawampus Cat
by Jason Carter Eaton & Gus Gordon
March 2017. 32 pages.

Friday, October 20, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 20

Go Sleep in Your Own Bed!
by Candace Fleming & Lori Nichols
May 2017. 40 pages.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 19

Bird, Balloon, Bear by Il Sung Na
March 2017. 32 pages.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 17

Little Plane Learns to Write
by Stephen Savage
June 2017. 32 pages.

Monday, October 16, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 16

We're All Wonders by R.J. Palacio
March 2017. 32 pages.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 15

The Thing Lou Couldn't Do
by Ashley Spires May 2017. 32 pages.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 14

She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World 
by Chelsea Clinton & Alexandra Boiger 
May 2017. 32 pages.

Friday, October 13, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 13

A Perfect Day by Lane Smith 
February 2017. 32 pages.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 12

Charlotte the Scientist is Squished
by Camille Andros & Brianne Farley March 2017. 40 pages.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 11

That's Not My Unicorn by Fiona Watt
July 2017. 10 pages.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 10

Emma and the Whale
by Julie Case & Lee White
March 2017. 40 pages.

Monday, October 9, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 9

Garcia & Colette Go Exploring
by Hannah Barnaby. June 2017. 32 pages.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 8

Little Fox in the Forest
by Stephanie Graegin. February 2017. 40 pages.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 7

There, There by Tim Beiser. June 2017. 24 pages.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 5

Queen Dog by Bridget Heos January 2017. 40 pages.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 3

The Giant Jumperee
by Julia Donaldson & Helen OxenburyApril 2017. 32 pages.

Monday, October 2, 2017

NEW Kids Picture Books: Day 2

by Jarrett Krosoczka May 2017. 40 pages.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Saturday, September 30, 2017

31 Days of NEW Kids Picture Books: 2017 edition

2016 NEW Kids Picture Books
2015 NEW Kids Picture Books
2014 NEW Kids Picture Books

Wow, how can it be almost October already?! Here in Michigan we had a week of 90+ degree temps, just in time for the first day of fall... :-P  October sure snuck up on me, but it's still time once again for #write31days.

I've had fun each October writing short book reviews each day.  My local library has a section just for new books that have arrived in the last 6 months, typically published within the last year. I'll be following the same format as previous years, but the content will be completely new!

Let me know if you'll be reading along with me! Be sure to subscribe by email or in a blog reader (like Feedly or Bloglovin or RSS), and like my Facebook page so you don't miss out on any posts!

This post will contain the growing list of books as I publish them:

Day 1: If You Ever Want to Bring a Circus to the Library, Don't! by Elise Parsley
Day 2: Naptastrophe! by Jarrett Krosoczka
Day 3: The Giant Jumperee by Julia Donaldson & Helen Oxenbury
Day 4: Mid-Season New Releases by Usborne Books & More!
Day 5: Queen Dog by Bridget Heos
Day 6: The Three Little Pugs and the Big Bad Cat by Becky Davies
Day 7: There, There by Tim Beiser
Day 8: Little Fox in the Forest by Stephanie Graegin
Day 9: Garcia & Colette Go Exploring by Hannah Barnaby
Day 10: Emma and the Whale by Julie Case & Lee White
Day 11: That's Not My Unicorn by Fiona Watt
Day 12: Charlotte the Scientist is Squished by Camille Andros & Brianne Farley
Day 13: A Perfect Day by Lane Smith 
Day 14: She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World by Chelsea Clinton & Alexandra Boiger 
Day 15: The Thing Lou Couldn't Do by Ashley Spires
Day 16: We're All Wonders by R.J. Palacio
Day 17: Little Plane Learns to Write by Stephen Savage
Day 19: Bird, Balloon, Bear by Il Sung Na
Day 20: Go Sleep in Your Own Bed! by Candace Fleming & Lori Nichols
Day 21: The Catawampus Cat by Jason Carter Eaton & Gus Gordon
Day 22: Hattie & Hudson by Chris Van Dusen

oops... #lifehappens ;-)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Quick Lit: Summer 2017

Ahhh summer. Days of sleeping in, playing outside, and lots of reading. I actually didn't finish a crazy amount of books this year, but with lots of Kindle-usage during baby feedings, I did stay on track with my goals. I read 10 books from June through August, putting me at 27 of 36.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Lion's Tales: early June

Hanging out with us at praise band practice :)

Summertime!!! Here's what we've been up to...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Quick Lit: Early 2017

I've been on a blogging break since the beginning of January, so I haven't written my monthly Quick Lit posts. Goodreads says I've read 19 books since my last recap. I'll try to keep these short! :)

February 10, 2017:  40weeks5days pregnant, hanging out at
Barnes & Noble after walking the mall trying to induce labor.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017



Hello hello friends!! As you can see from my previous post, I've been on a sort of maternity leave from blogging since the beginning of the year. My beautiful third child, Penny, was born on February 13.

For more baby & book (& other) pictures, find me on Instagram

I've been pondering when would be a good time to start up my blog again, and the annual Armchair Book Expo seemed like the perfect opportunity. I've participated the last two years, and attending the in-person Book Expo someday is high on my wishlist!

I am...
  • Wife of 12 years to a high school math teacher
  • Mother to three girls: age 7, almost-5, and 3.5 months
  • Former youth librarian
  • Part-time church secretary
  • Independent & Educational Consultant with Usborne Books & More
  • Musician
  • Coffee lover
  • Pizza lover
  • Michigander
  • Michigan State Spartan
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian

My favorite...
Book genres:
  • Fantasy (especially YA)
  • Dystopian (especially YA)
  • Memoir (has grown on me in the last year!)
  • Historical fiction (unless the main plot is romance...)

My summer plans...
  • Not go crazy with all 5 of us home for almost three months
  • Play some music with my husband at a few local concerts
  • Lead the Bible adventures station at our church's VBS
  • Play softball weekly with our church's team
  • Finally completely finish our basement (all that's left is the bathroom!)
  • Spend lots of weekends at our extended family's lakehouse
  • Attend the annual GEMS Leadership Conference 
  • "Travel" the world using this book, crafts, food, etc (I'm hoping to write a series of blog posts about our experiences!)

Welcome [back] to The Lion is a Bookworm!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Official Blogging-Break Post

Welcome to 2017! 

This post is to let you all know that I am officially taking a break from blogging for awhile. Baby Girl #3 is scheduled to arrive around February 5 (update: Penelope Ann (Penny) arrived on February 13!). I've been slowing down my Usborne business, so I won't be doing any parties or vendor booths until probably summer or fall.

In the meantime, you can still find me here:

SHOP Usborne Books & More -- My online store will remain open, so you can still shop anytime if you need gifts or homework helpers. New titles were just released this week, and will also be released in April and June, so be sure to browse around! Just choose one of the "NO EVENT? SHOP HERE!" events from the drop-down menu at checkout.

FACEBOOK -- I'll continue to post fun book-ish things on my blog's page, including quizzes, memes, Usborne specials, and news about my family.

INSTAGRAM -- Some things book-related, some things family-related. For sure lots and lots of baby pictures. :)

GOODREADS -- While I won't be doing monthly reading recaps here on the blog (see the archives here), I do still keep track of all the books I read.

Thanks for a great year! Please connect with me in these other places! :)

A photo posted by Carrie Roer (@carrieroer) on